Bókadómur: Skrímslaveisla kom út í Svíþjóð í nóvember hjá Argasso. Dómar sænsku bókasafnsþjónustunnar, BTJ, eru mikilvægir fyrir höfunda og útgefendur en Skrímslaveisla fékk góða umsögn eins og fyrri bækur. Svo segir um Monsterfest, – í lauslegri þýðingu:
„Textinn er hluti af myndunum á spennandi og tjáningarríkan hátt þar sem hann miðlar líka tilfinningum á myndrænan máta og form bókarinnar er notað til að undirstrika fjölbreytta uppsetninguna. Þrátt fyrir að þrír aðilar komi að gerð þessara myndabóka myndar sagan órjúfanlega samfellu þar sem hver hluti er vandlega ígrundaður og fellur inn í heildina á þaulhugsaðan hátt. Sögur þessara tveggja skrímslavina eru orðnar uppáhaldslestur margra barna og ánægjulegt að það komi út enn ein jafn vönduð bók og hinar fyrri.“
Einkunn: 4 Helene Ehriander BTJ-häftet nr 24, 2024
Book review: Skrímslaveisla (Monster Party) was released in Sweden in November, by the title Monsterfest. Book reviews published by the Swedish Library Center, BTJ, are important for authors and publishers, and Monsterfest got a fine review, like the previous books in the series:
“The text becomes part of the images in an exciting and expressive way as it also graphically conveys emotional expressions and the book’s slim format is also used to reinforce the varied layout. Despite the fact that there are three people involved in the creation of these picture books, the story forms an integrated unity, where each part is well considered and fits into the whole in a carefully planned and skilful way. The stories of these two monster friends have become the favorite reading of many children and it is gratifying that here there is still another book of the same high quality as the previous ones.”
Rating: 4 Helene Ehriander BTJ-häftet nr 24, 2024
The book series is published by Forlagið, see further information about the new book here and in English here. Monster Party is available in four languages already: published in Swedish by Argasso and in Danish by Vild Maskine. The Faroese version is expected out in January at Bókadeildinni publishing.
Meira um skrímslabækurnar hér og um
höfundana og samstarfið hér.
Fleiri fréttir um skrímslin á heimasíðunni.
Read more about the Nordic monster series here;
and about the authors and the collaboration of the authors here.
Links to more news on the Monster series.
For further information about the Monster Series contact Forlagid Rights Agency.